Friday, November 5, 2010

day 5... my mother

today, and everyday and moment of my existence, i am thankful for my mother! there really are no words to express my love and gratitude that i have for her. she is the most incredible example of charity, service, love, and she truly lives what she believes. today i am specifically grateful for her because she puts up with me! tonight when i called and just vented and cried to her, she just listened, loved me, and knew exactly what to say to calm me down. she is always so patient with me, even when i am constantly making the same mistakes or being completely ridiculous. she is awesome! i really feel so blessed to have such a close relationship with my mom. i know it's kinda weird that i call and talk to her at least once a day, but she is my best friend and i love and miss her all the time!

thanks Heavenly Father for giving me the greatest mom ever! love you mom!

happy november!

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