Sunday, November 21, 2010
day 21... day of rest
i am thankful for a much needed day of rest and being able to spend one last day with this group of girls in wonderful chicago!
Saturday, November 20, 2010
day 20... sports center
instead of going straight to my room and to bed after dinner, i went and hung out with scottie and nate. we watched espn whilst we mourned the loss and did some minor venting. they are such fun guys and great friends, and today i am thankful for them!
thank you Heavenly Father for blessing me with such great friends who give me comfort and perspective, and who bring out the best in me!
Friday, November 19, 2010
day 19... magical surprise
Thursday, November 18, 2010
day 18... hp trivia and christmas carols
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
day 17... patience
so today i am grateful for sam's patience with me and my minor mix-up. i'm thankful that the girls made him laugh whilst checking in bags, we were having some issues with making the 50 pound weight limit. it was pretty hilarious, and we made it all fit, thank goodness!
thank you Heavenly Father for giving me this awesome job where i get to work with amazing people. thanks sam for your constant patience with all of my mess ups!
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
day 16... run and not be weary, walk and not faint
on this specific day, exactly five months since my knee surgery, i couldn't help but think about how great it is to be able to walk and run. i took being able to move and be physically active for granted, and even though i'm not 100 percent, i am so grateful for how far the Lord has let me come. i still have some limitations with my bend and strength, but it's coming a long and i am so happy about it.
thank you Heavenly Father for helping me get better and giving me the health, strength, and motivation to move and be active.
Monday, November 15, 2010
day 15... i love weddings, drinks all around!
Sunday, November 14, 2010
day 14... airplanes
Saturday, November 13, 2010
day 13... kelsi miller
Friday, November 12, 2010
day 12... utah randomness
Thursday, November 11, 2010
day 11... pure happiness playlist
here are a few artists who made the cut...
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
day 10... pink comfort
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
day 9... temple date
D... thank you Heavenly Father for blessing me with such an awesome brother and the incredible blessings of the temple... and thank you for letting us spend special time together in Thy Holy House!
Monday, November 8, 2010
day 8... visiting teachers
today i am so thankful for my sweet visiting teachers who stopped by and gave an awesome lesson based on Elder Russel M. Nelson's talk in priesthood session titled "be thou an example of the believers". it was such a blessing to review Elder Nelson's counsel, share our testimonies and experiences with each other, and it just gave me hope and peace. the church is true!
thank you Heavenly Father for blessing me with fabulous visiting teachers who are such great examples and friends, and who came at the right time!
happy monday!
Sunday, November 7, 2010
day 7... sunday dinners
thank you Heavenly Father for having a Sabbath day! i heart sundays!!
week one of november, done!
PS... congrats to my bestie lauren for her engagement to the man of her dreams! i'm so so SO excited and happy for you! love you!
Saturday, November 6, 2010
day 6... my father
thank you Heavenly Father for giving me such an incredible dad! i love you daddy!!
happy november!
Friday, November 5, 2010
day 5... my mother
thanks Heavenly Father for giving me the greatest mom ever! love you mom!
happy november!
Thursday, November 4, 2010
day 4... the team
thanks girls for being so wonderful... you may make me crazy sometimes and gave me my first gray hair, but i am so blessed and grateful to have each of you in my life!
much loves :)
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
day 3... random institute class
this is the scripture that i chose to talk about... D&C 45:9
"And even so I have sent mine everlasting convenant into the world, to be a light to the world, and to be a standard for my people, and for the Gentiles to seek to it, and to be a messenger before my face to prepare the way before me."
i'm so grateful for the incredible people i have been blessed with in my life who have been a standard, a messenger and a light to me. and i need to be better and have the confidence to let the light that Christ has blessed me with shine and do all i can to share the goodness of the gospel with others.
great night!
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
day 2... the social network
Monday, November 1, 2010
day 1... banana bread
happy november!
more pics to come... and this picture makes me miss summer, cause i need a tan!
sorry, i need a vent session really quick... why do people who are endowed think that the "g-force" rule doesn't apply on halloween?!?! whether it's girls wearing scandalous outfits or guys with no shirts and spandex, i just don't understand the reasoning behind it and it really makes me sad for them. just a thought.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
four months and counting...
... taken two days after surgery
... koelliker family gathering 5 weeks later... my best friend/enemy during the summer was that blasted brace!
now, four months later, after many hours of therapy, stretching, icing, strengthening, pain, sweat, and tears, and not a lot of patience on my end, i almost have full range of motion and strength... give me some more time and i'll get there!
... four months later and my knee is starting to look a bit normal... i don't mind the scars, but hopefully the swelling will go down eventually!
Thursday, July 29, 2010
always a step behind...
I finally finished "Eat Pray Love" a few weeks ago. I read it on and off for a couple months, but overall I really enjoyed it. I could relate to some of her feelings and thoughts (not that i've ever been a 'lover' or divorced or married for that matter), but I really liked the way she wrote and explained herself, and of course all of the amazing place she went!! I'm not gonna lie though, I'm really just excited for the movie!
I've heard all of these great things about "The Hunger Games" series, and so when I got it for my birthday, I felt a bit inclined to read it. I'm happy to say that I am almost through "Catching Fire" and am completely enthralled!
Monday, July 5, 2010
a quarter of a century and counting...
wishes, wants, hopes, and dreams for year two-five...
25 goals for my 25th year...
1. make a new friend
2. go to 3 new temples
3. do something spontaneous
4. break a bad habit
5. travel to 5 new places
6. have a snowball fight
7. go to a "show"
8. make dinner at least once a week
9. find a new hobby
10. don't threaten to quit my job halfway through the season :)
11. be active in my ward
12. kiss in the rain
13. visit my sister in Virginia
14. do something i've never done
15. read the Book of Mormon
16. run a half-marathon
17. win an outdoor tournament!
18. attend the temple regularly
19. lose some weight... 25 lbs for my 25 years??
20. commit some players for 2011... this seems to be an issue at the moment :)
21. open my heart and not be scared or ashamed to share myself with others
22. find a "home" to live in
23. be more assertive and decisive
24. fall in love!
25. be happy with me :)
... game on!!
the end of another year... so long 24...
1. there are no "little" things
2. being an adult isn't always fun
3. KNEEL to pray whenever possible
4. plan to be surprised
5. institute and scripture glue-in's are awesome!
6. my team makes me happy
7. i love having my little brother home
8. star gazing in Park City is heavensent
9. getting a mani/pedi makes me feel pretty
10. i need to be more sincere and show my true gratitude
11. i love america
12. someone is always in a worse situation, so be grateful and optimistic... i will always have to work on this one!
13. Jillian Michaels is legit!
14. utah is beautiful
15. patience is never fully learned
16. a head coach can make or break a team... Sam is incredible!
17. just when i think i have it all figured out, think again!
18. i NEVER EVER EVER want to tear my ACL again
19. my family is my everything and i can't wait to add to it and start my own family!
20. i thrive on being active and productive
21. no matter how much i hate being in the center of attention, having my friends and family serenade me with "happy birthday" is pretty sweet
22. i love sunshine and summertime
23. those who love me really do want to know my thoughts and feelings... i need to open up!
24. i have sooooo much to learn about love, life, and myself... here it goes for year 25!!
Monday, June 7, 2010
the summer must go on...
I got to spend the first 2 weeks of May gallivanting around the beautiful land of New Zealand and the breathtaking beaches of Samoa with my team... I heart my job! It was my second time visiting these amazing countries, and I really couldn’t be more grateful for the incredible experiences I had whilst I was there. It was definitely a life changing experience that I will remember and cherish forever.
Here are a few of the hundreds of pictures that were taken!